How Virtual Organizing Can Help You Declutter Your Home

Are you tired of living in a cluttered and disorganized home? Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have accumulated over the years? If so, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with decluttering their homes, but the good news is that there’s a solution: virtual organizing. Virtual organizing is a growing trend that allows you to work with a professional organizer remotely, using video conferencing and other digital tools. With virtual organizing, you can get expert advice and guidance on how to tackle your clutter, without the need for an in-person visit. This approach is not only convenient, but also cost-effective and efficient. Below, we’ll explore how virtual organizing can help you declutter your home, and offer some tips and tricks to get you started. So, if you’re ready to transform your living space into a clutter-free oasis, read on!
Online virtual organizing sessions
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Benefits of Virtual Organizing

Virtual organizing offers a range of benefits for homeowners who are looking to declutter their homes. One of the primary advantages of virtual organizing is convenience. With virtual organizing, you can work with a professional organizer from the comfort of your own home, without having to schedule an in-person visit. This is especially helpful for people who have busy schedules or live in remote areas. Additionally, virtual organizing is often more cost-effective than traditional organizing, as there are no travel expenses or additional fees for in-person visits.

Another benefit of virtual organizing is that it allows for a more personalized approach to decluttering. With virtual organizing, you can work with an organizer who specializes in your specific needs and preferences. For example, if you’re looking to declutter your kitchen, you can work with an organizer who has experience in organizing kitchens. This personalized approach can help ensure that you get the most out of your virtual organizing experience, and that you achieve your decluttering goals.

Finally, virtual organizing can be a great option for people who are uncomfortable with in-person visits. Some people may feel embarrassed or ashamed of their clutter, or may not want to invite a stranger into their home. With virtual organizing, you can work with a professional organizer without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home. This can help you feel more comfortable and in control of the process.

How Virtual Organizing Works

Virtual organizing works by connecting you with a professional organizer remotely, using video conferencing and other digital tools. The process typically begins with an initial consultation, during which you’ll discuss your decluttering goals and preferences with your organizer. From there, your organizer will work with you to create a customized plan for decluttering your home.

Once your plan is in place, your organizer will provide you with step-by-step instructions and guidance on how to tackle your clutter. This may include assigning tasks, providing resources and tools, and answering any questions you may have. You’ll typically check in with your organizer on a regular basis, either through video conferencing or email, to provide updates on your progress and receive additional guidance.

Throughout the process, your organizer will provide you with support and encouragement, helping you stay motivated and on track. By the end of your virtual organizing experience, you’ll have a clutter-free home that’s organized and functional.

Bedroom organization surfing internet

Need help organizing your home office?

Our virtual home office organization coaching will help you declutter your messy office, and create an organized, inspiring space. You’ll transform the chaos and stress you feel in your cluttered office, into a beautiful and functional space you will love. You will...

  • Receive one-on-one virtual organizational coaching sessions
  • Set up systems and processes to organize your papers and office
  • Increase your productivity and focus
  • Learn to organize with functional zones
  • Get creative – add design and sparks of joy
Glenda Crawford's home office
bedroom organization strategies to stay organized

Virtual Organizing vs. Traditional Organizing

Virtual organizing differs from traditional organizing in a few key ways. The primary difference is that virtual organizing is done remotely, using video conferencing and other digital tools. This can be a more convenient and cost-effective option for many people, especially those who have busy schedules or live in remote areas.

Another difference between virtual organizing and traditional organizing is the level of customization. With virtual organizing, you can work with an organizer who specializes in your specific needs and preferences, ensuring that you get the most out of your decluttering experience. Traditional organizing, on the other hand, may be more generalized, with organizers who work with a wide range of clients.

Finally, virtual organizing can be a great option for people who are uncomfortable with in-person visits. Virtual organizing allows you to work with a professional organizer from the comfort of your own home, without having to worry about inviting a stranger into your space.

Virtual Organizing Tools and Resources

Virtual organizing relies on a range of digital tools and resources to help you declutter your home. Some of the most commonly used tools and resources include:

  • Video conferencing software: Video conferencing software, such as Zoom, allows you to connect with your organizer remotely, no matter where you are.
  • Digital organizers: Digital organizers, such as Trello or Freedcamp, can help you keep track of your tasks and progress throughout the decluttering process.
  • Online resources: There are a wealth of online resources available to help you declutter your home, from blogs to YouTube videos to online courses.
  • Email: Email is often used to check in with your organizer and ask any questions you may have throughout the process.
  • Digital photos: Digital photos can be a helpful tool for organizers to see your space and provide personalized advice.

By utilizing these tools and resources, you can get the most out of your virtual organizing experience and achieve your decluttering goals.

Bedroom organization importance
To Do List - Virtual Organizing Plan

Creating a Virtual Organizing Plan

Creating a virtual organizing plan is an important first step in the decluttering process. Your virtual organizing plan should be customized to your specific needs and preferences, and should include clear goals and objectives. Some tips for creating a successful virtual organizing plan include:

  • Identify your decluttering goals: What do you want to achieve through virtual organizing? Do you want to declutter your entire home, or just one specific room or area?
  • Set a timeline: How long do you want to spend on the decluttering process? Setting a timeline can help you stay on track and motivated throughout the process.
  • Break it down: Breaking down your decluttering goals into smaller, manageable tasks can make the process feel less overwhelming.
  • Get organized: Before you begin decluttering, it’s important to get organized. This may include setting up a digital organizer or creating a physical planner.
  • Stay accountable: Checking in with your organizer on a regular basis can help you stay accountable and motivated throughout the process.

By creating a virtual organizing plan that’s tailored to your needs and preferences, you can set yourself up for success and achieve your decluttering goals.

Need help organizing your home office?

Our virtual home office organization coaching will help you declutter your messy office, and create an organized, inspiring space. You’ll transform the chaos and stress you feel in your cluttered office, into a beautiful and functional space you will love. You will...

  • Receive one-on-one virtual organizational coaching sessions
  • Set up systems and processes to organize your papers and office
  • Increase your productivity and focus
  • Learn to organize with functional zones
  • Get creative – add design and sparks of joy
Glenda Crawford's home office

Tips for Successful Virtual Organizing

Virtual organizing can be a highly effective way to declutter your home, but it does require some effort and commitment on your part. Some tips for successful virtual organizing include:

  • Stay motivated: Decluttering your home can be a daunting task, but staying motivated is key. Set clear goals and objectives, and stay focused on the benefits of a clutter-free home.
  • Stay organized: Keeping track of your tasks and progress is essential for successful virtual organizing. Use digital organizers or physical planners to stay on top of your to-do list.
  • Be open to feedback: Your organizer is there to help you, so be open to their feedback and suggestions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification if you’re unsure about something.
  • Don’t get overwhelmed: Decluttering your home can feel overwhelming at times, but remember that it’s a process. Take it one step at a time, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your virtual organizing experience and achieve your decluttering goals.

organizing containers

Virtual Organizing Success Stories

Virtual organizing has helped countless homeowners achieve their decluttering goals and transform their living spaces. Here are just a few virtual organizing success stories:

  • “I had been putting off decluttering my home for years, but virtual organizing made it easy. My organizer was supportive and encouraging throughout the process, and I was able to tackle my clutter one room at a time. The end result was a home that’s organized and functional, and I couldn’t be happier.”
  • “As a busy working mom, I didn’t have the time or energy to declutter my home on my own. Virtual organizing allowed me to work with an organizer on my own schedule, and I was able to declutter my entire home in just a few months. It’s made a huge difference in my life, and I’m so glad I gave it a try.”
  • “I was hesitant to try virtual organizing at first, but it turned out to be a great experience. My organizer was knowledgeable and supportive, and I was able to get expert advice on how to tackle my clutter. I would highly recommend virtual organizing to anyone who’s struggling with decluttering their home.”

These success stories are just a few examples of how virtual organizing can help you achieve your decluttering goals and transform your living space.

Before I worked with Glenda, I was really struggling to put outfits together each morning. My closet had become a discombobulated mess of clothes that fit and some that didn’t fit, and clothes I loved but didn’t go with anything else, and clothes that were boring but I couldn’t give them up because they had become my go-to items. I was trying on an average of 5 outfits a day which was irritating and time consuming. Glenda motivated me to tackle the closet one section at a time until I had an entire closet of clothes that fit and clothes that I love. She also helped me organize them in a way where pairing outfits was easier. In addition, Glenda gave me some great ideas for new combinations of clothes that are spectacular!! She definitely has an eye for color combinations and really helped me get unstuck. Thank you, Glenda, you gave me back the joy of fashion and feeling good when I leave my house!!!


Golden, Colorado

closet organization

Virtual Organizing Services

If you’re interested in trying virtual organizing for yourself, there are a range of virtual organizing services available. Some popular virtual organizing services include:

By working with a virtual organizing service, you can get expert advice and guidance on how to declutter your home, and achieve your clutter-free goals.

What to Expect from Virtual Organizing?

You will receive…

  • Three (2-hour) virtual organizing sessions with each one covering the three main stages: declutter, organize, and design.
  • Step-by-step expertise from a professional home organizer so you don’t feel alone and overwhelmed, you get advice along the way, and break down the process into manageable steps.
  • Follow up emails after each session to remind you of next steps, and keep you accountable so you continue to make progress toward your functional, inspiring, and calm living space.
  • Flexible scheduling options so you get to choose how often you want to schedule additional virtual organizing sessions, whether it is daily, weekly or monthly.

You will learn how to…

  • Declutter and sort using the Marie Kondo method, which is designed to make your choices easier about what you want to keep, discard or donate.
  • Create organizational systems designed for you to optimize the functionality of your living space with functional zones, where everything has a designated place to be stored, so that your daily routines are stress-free and easy.
  • Break down the daunting task of tackling a chaotic, cluttered areas strategically into more manageable bite-size tasks.
  • Add sparks of joy and design to your space so you feel inspired when using that space.
  • Increase your confidence, skills, and techniques that you gain from working with a professional home organizer.

Conclusion: Is Virtual Organizing Right for You?

Virtual organizing is a convenient, cost-effective, and efficient way to declutter your home. Whether you’re looking to declutter one room or your entire home, virtual organizing can provide you with the personalized support and guidance you need to achieve your goals. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can make the most of your virtual organizing experience and transform your living space into a clutter-free oasis.

Need help organizing your home office?

Our virtual home office organization coaching will help you declutter your messy office, and create an organized, inspiring space. You’ll transform the chaos and stress you feel in your cluttered office, into a beautiful and functional space you will love. You will...

  • Receive one-on-one virtual organizational coaching sessions
  • Set up systems and processes to organize your papers and office
  • Increase your productivity and focus
  • Learn to organize with functional zones
  • Get creative – add design and sparks of joy
Glenda Crawford's home office

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Desperately need organization and beauty in your living spaces? Discover my virtual home organization and design services:

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